Sunday, December 9, 2012

cnn e fill the land

Distributionand bench .relationresultGuard:Ouyang Ye , relationresultThough theUniversity League players ,but Ouyang Ye in this cup in the three game of the show their own NCAA first guard style ,averaged 12.
4 points, 10.6 assists and 5 rebounds and 2.3 steals ,and the national team the first point guard position, his lightning pace and the ghosts and gods Mo test pass allows the inside players can always be in a relaxed position to receive a pass ,easy to attack ;he can also and the remaining backcourt player together, launched a lightning fast, although scoring is not much, but he cut are key points, as long as the opponent is slightly relaxed to his attention, he or the basket ,or in three point field suddenly launched an attack ,to the national team with strong fire support ,the basketball court dance spirit ,Chinese team for many years guard problem does not exist !relationresultLiu Wei asOuyang Ye replacement ,is also very important ,because he and Yao Ming have a indescribable tacit understanding ,he for rhythm control and organization has undoubtedly is the first .
relationresultShooting guard:Ge Feng , relationresultGeFeng as point guard ,because Yao Ming and inside contact formation ,drill running tactics ,so in this cup on his personal attack not released, but play every fourth day of the last few minutes, fans will see him at the crucial moment of sudden rise ,by virtue of its super abilities rattling this ,he occasionally erupt state let fans itching ,expecting that one day he can release his fighting force ,as the national team gradually skilful tactics ,the day is not far ,he and partner Ouyang wild wings ,their combination will brings great threat to European and American powers this cup ,later ,domestic fans gave them the two people in the backcourt play a gall bladderwei Zhen enemy name ?lightning , Feng ,thunder has power, its potential as a powerful army ,awesome spirits ,Ouyang Ye electric, fast if the horse ,like lightning , lightning combination of will be the Chinese team in the Olympic Games on the top of the weapon ,they are fully deserve the wings to .
relationresultLi Jifeng asGE front bench ,his presence will greatly make up for the national team the periphery of the fire ,to the inside of the Yao Ming and others to create an excellent opportunity to attack .
relationresultSmall forward:wind Lin snow , relationresultWhen thebull King Street ,in the championship and League CBA has proved he is not just a street person ,in the official competition, he is as powerful ,cup ,and in his league as strong ,even overwhelms the national team predecessors Zhu Fangyu ,won the three bit first .
He and Ouyang Ye ,Ge Feng two people in the World Youth Championship form understanding will greatly help them in the back on the power play .relationresultThis positionhad amassed two substitutes ,Huo Xilai and Shipeng Wang .
relationresultIn fact,Huo Xilai back three position in any position on the bench ,once the point guard ,shooting guard ,small forward positions of the three one ,he could go up as a qualified replacement ,no way, his ability is so full ,he can ball control offense, can the breakthrough ,can shoot three balls ,the utility player coach welcome .
relationresultButbecause Shipeng Wang in the FIBA World Championship in Japan into China change teams the fate of a key vote ,leaving Jonas to his favor add ,this also successfully at the Olympic Games, for his accurate shooting ,the national team was in need .
relationresultForwards:Yi Jianlian , relationresultSpaceeasily in the national team than the bucks in his eye ground is much, perhaps because of language ,his teammates more familiar ,everyone he has more confidence ,so he has fully demonstrated its ability ,let a person shine at the moment is his rebounds ,in the NBA years refining his hammer the rebound consciousness and clamping capacity greatly enhanced ,in a series of warm-up match, he has become the first Chinese basketball rebounder .
relationresultHismid-range jumper is still very robust ,it is also one of his weapon .relationresultOffZhenggu as his replacement ,can very well and he is complementary, his back singles ability is Yi Jianlian no ,two of them will be the No.
four position on the team .relationresultCenter:Yao Ming , relationresultThisdid not say more, Yao Ming for the Chinese team as the backbone of the role of housing ,without it, everything will be torn down ,and the Yao giant is China biggest advantage with Western powers ,such as America even tough team ,in the face of Yao Ming charge within the line also dare not let down ,Facebook.
relationresultThe premise is,Yao Ming must return to peak condition .relationresultIn this position,the national team also provides two subs: Wang Zhizhi ,Lei Jing day .relationresultWang Zhizhiability is very strong ,but the outwire three point also is the center of the best ,but his insider attack ability and defense ability weak, thunder startled day just is the best attack the basket and defense ,once Yao Ming is unable to recover ,so these two people will together make up the Yao Ming under the basket .
relationresultThe 726th chapter terrorist group of death , relationresultBeijingearly morning of July 21st, the Olympic men tournament lost the final game ,cnn,results of the German team to 9682 over Puerto Rico ,has made one final qualifying .
After the game, FIBA FIBA held the last Olympic Games draw ceremony .Eventually ,Croatia were drawn in group A ,Greece and Germany was in China where the B group .relationresultThedraw ceremony by the FIBA sports director ,technical representatives of Mr.
Kotleba in the chair .Due to the situation before the group ,A group has two teams in europe .According to the principle of avoidance ,lost the match result is relatively poor in third ,the German team automatically enter the two space group B .
Later, Croatia were drawn in group A, and Greece and Germany to enter the Chinese group B .relationresultThe Olympic menfinal grouping results :relationresultGroup A:Argentina ,Australia ,Iran ,Lithuania ,Russia ,Croatia , relationresultGroup B:Angola ,China ,Spain ,the United States ,Germany ,greek .
relationresultChineseteam for August 10th against the United States of America :race ,12 against Spain ,14 against Angola ,16 against Germany, 18 against greece .relationresultTheresults with the previous forecast some access,google, most people think is a German ,Greek ,Brazil three teams as the United States ,Puerto Rico, the dream team killer is also possible ,but the final breakthrough is still three European strong teams are: Greece ,Croatia ,germany .
relationresultChina lottery is originally under the sign ,when the Olympic Qualification Tournament results as well as the grouping results came out ,it was German and Greek were in group B ,the domestic media and fans in a starving people fill the land.
The sound ,this is a typical one disaster after another ,to the fire yard throw coal gas tank !relationresultHave a lookof Chinese men ,the Angola, the United States ,Spain ,Greece ,Germany ,which one is more fuel-efficient lights ?Although the decline of the United States ,but is still recognized as the world first basketball powerful nation ,and the American dream eight accumulations of the planet basketball players ,Kobe - Bryant ,Lebron - James ,Devin - Wade and so on ,Chinese team even though complete run-in success is not a can take their luxury line of attack is the ,,the Chinese team has Ge Ge Feng Feng ,but only one ,Kobe light is a sufficient Ge frontal headache ,in addition to James ,Wade ,Anthony ,two people playing Ge Feng one ,and picked up the hat ,Ouyang Ye is very ill ,but is not necessarily strong to Chris Paul ,said that if the we have what advantage, it is the Yao Ming point ,but he had not fully recovered .
relationresultSpain is thereigning world champion ,Greece is the World Championship runner-up ,these are used and the Chinese team encountered, but once Chinese team will beat the crap out Related articles:

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